If you’re new to building a business online, there are so many things to learn and mistakes to avoid. But you don’t know what you don’t know yet, right? Knowledge it power, so now you can avoid these 3 common mistakes new online business make that can slow down your business growth or cause burn out for you. And if you are making these mistakes, it is never too late to make changes and improvements. After all, consistent and continual tweaks are what will make your business successful in the long run.
#1 – Focusing On Social Media Instead Of Your Email List
Social media has its place but its purpose should be to help new people discover your brand and to then drive them to your website and get their email address. A lot of business owners figure this out the hard way. Here’s why:
Firstly, having someone’s email address is having a direct line of communication to them. Sure, you can post on social media in the hope that your followers will see it, but often posts just get caught up in the news feed or (in the case of the new algorithms) don’t even show to half of your followers. With emails, they go straight into your subscriber’s inboxes.
Secondly, you own your email list. You don’t own your social media followers. This is so important because think about all the effort you put in to growing your followers. If your account is hacked, deleted or suspended where do those followers go? The same goes for social media platforms that get fazed out and this brings me to my next point.
Thirdly, email has been pretty consistent since the creation of the internet as the most reliable form of communication. Social media fads come and go but email remains. Remember, there was MySpace, then there was Facebook, then Instagram and now its Snapchat and Periscope.
According to Hubspot, email marketing revenue is estimated to reach almost 11 billion by the end of 2023. Consumers continue to prefer connecting with brands via email, and email marketers are seeing their email ROI skyrocket, with the latest numbers coming in at $42 for every $1 spent on email marketing.
#2 – Inconsistent Branding
Inconsistent branding is another mistake you might be making, especially if you are still finding your voice and establishing your niche. This something that if done wrong can really affect your reach. Your brand must be consistent in its design and graphics, its fonts and style guide and in its voice in order to be recognizable by your readers and in order to look professional. If your website, blog, social, content marketing, marketing materials, etc., is not consistent, it will struggle to get visitors to hang around and stay loyal.
If you’re just getting started, looking to re-brand or just make your brand stand out so you can uplevel your blog or business, I’d love to chat about how we can do that in a fun yet purposeful way! Book a free Clarity Call to discuss different options that might help your business grow.
#3 – Trying To Do It Alone
For the new business owner just starting out, or even in their first year or two in business, trying to do it all alone can be both overwhelming and can actually hinder your success. Now this can apply to two areas:
1) Not having a community surrounding you that offers mutual support and masterminding when you need to ask a specific question. This support is crucial because it helps with creativity, encouragement and the promotion of your business. Joining Facebook groups or other communities can be a great way to get the support you need without having to physically go out and network. Anytime you are in a learning situation, it is vital to have the support of a community behind you so you can give it all you’ve got!
2) Delegating your work is a must if you are going to stay sane (and especially if you still work full-time also). You may not have a ton of money right now to invest in your business, but even delegating little things such as your logo design or email templates could make a huge difference. Think about the things that take you the most time to complete and about how you could either delegate these or see if there is a course or product that could help you get there faster, for example, a social media scheduling tool like Planoly.
If you’re finding setting up all of the things is either slowing you down getting started or hindering your growth, our Dream Business By Design Bundle or Digital Marketing services are affordable done for you services that take the set up off of your plate and accelerate your businesses growth.
If you know that you need help but you’re not sure what you need, schedule a free Clarity Call. We can figure out a plan for you and see if our services could help.
Dream big!
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